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             The PTO

(Parent Teacher Organization)

All parents and guardians of IQ International School are members:


Welcome to the IQ International School  Parent Teacher Association! Every parent is an automatic member of the PTA by having a child registered at the school. We rely on the drive and enthusiasm of the parents who are involved with us. There are no fees or dues and we encourage everyone to get involved, either by volunteering or by attending our activities.



The PTA Executive Committee:


The Executive Committee coordinates the activities of the PTA and its members are elected annually. The committee consists of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, teacher representative and several community members. A representative of the school administration attends both general and executive meetings.



Objectives of the PTA:


We strive to foster communication and support among parents, students and teachers of the school in order to:

•   Organize activities and events for the parents and teachers

•    Contribute to the effectiveness of the school by promoting the involvement of parents and other community members

•   Support, encourage and improve the quality of education and well being of the students



General Meetings:



Once every three months, there is a general meeting where all parents are invited. Part of the meeting will focus on the PTA activities and proposals. In addition, the developments in the school will be presented by the principal in several of the general meetings.





Parents are offered several opportunities to meet with each other during meetings, activities and volunteer work. We aim to create an inviting atmosphere and opportunity to get to know each other.



Join Us:


We invite all parents and guardians to come to our meetings and to volunteer. You do not have to speak fluent English, just come and join in! Meeting will be conducted in English and Khmer. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact the school for more information.

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